Endowus vs Syfe vs StashAway: Which Should You Choose?

Endowus vs Syfe vs StashAway: Which Should You Choose?
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Investing in robo-advisors has become an up and coming trend among beginner investors in Singapore. These advisors provide automated, algorithm-driven investing with little to no human intervention, allowing investing to become simpler and cheaper. Three of the leading platforms — Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway — stand out in the crowded market, and I believe that each of them offers unique benefits tailored to different investment needs and goals.

Whether you're looking to grow your wealth through diversified portfolios, minimize fees, or leverage advanced investment strategies, understanding the distinct features and performance of each platform is crucial. But which one is right for you? Which platform stands out in a comparison of Syfe vs StashAway, or Endowus vs StashAway, or Syfe vs Endowus? To answer these questions, I have created this article, which will provide a comprehensive comparison of Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway, covering aspects such as investment portfolios, performance, fees, customer support, and more. By the end, you'll have a clearer picture of which robo-advisor aligns best with your financial objectives and preferences.


Introduction to Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway

When it comes to choosing a robo-advisor in Singapore, three prominent names stand out: Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway. Each of these platforms offers unique features and caters to different investment needs. Let me introduce each of them to you below:

Endowus: Endowus is a digital wealth advisor that aims to help investors achieve better outcomes by providing access to globally diversified portfolios of institutional-quality funds. It operates under the regulations of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and emphasizes investing in low-cost, passive funds. Endowus allows investors to use their Central Provident Fund (CPF) and Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) for investments, offering a holistic approach to managing their wealth.

Syfe: Syfe offers a range of portfolios designed to meet different risk appetites and investment goals. Their portfolios include a REIT+ portfolio for real estate exposure and a Cash+ portfolio for enhanced savings. Syfe is also regulated by MAS and is known for its risk-based investment approach, allowing investors to choose from various global portfolios based on their individual goals. The platform also provides an option to invest without any minimum deposit, making it accessible to a wide range of investors.

StashAway: StashAway uses a proprietary Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation (ERAA) framework to optimize portfolios based on changing economic conditions. It also operates under MAS regulations and caters to both beginner and experienced investors. StashAway's approach aims to maximize returns by adjusting the asset allocation according to economic trends, providing a dynamic investment strategy that adapts to market changes.

Endowus vs Syfe vs StashAway: Investment Portfolios

Choosing the right investment portfolio is crucial for achieving your financial goals. Each platform offers a variety of portfolios tailored to different investment needs. I have created a quick comparison of their offerings below:

Feature Endowus Syfe StashAway
Portfolio Types Core, ESG, CPF, SRS Global portfolios, REIT+, Cash+ General Investing, Thematic Portfolios
Investment Strategy Passive, globally diversified funds Risk-based, goal-based portfolios ERAA framework
Asset Classes Equities, bonds, real estate, cash Equities, bonds, real estate, cash Equities, bonds, real estate, commodities

Endowus offers a variety of portfolio types, including Core, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), CPF, and SRS. The platform focuses on passive, globally diversified funds. Their investment philosophy revolves around evidence-based investing, emphasizing low-cost, long-term strategies to achieve better outcomes. By using institutional-quality funds that are globally diversified, Endowus aims to reduce risk and enhance returns through broad market exposure.

Endowus believes in the power of passive investing, using index funds and ETFs to mirror the performance of global markets. Their portfolios include a mix of equities, bonds, real estate, and cash from various regions to spread risk and capitalize on international growth opportunities. By focusing on low-cost funds, Endowus minimizes fees, allowing investors to retain more of their returns. Additionally, investments can be made using CPF and SRS funds, providing Singaporean investors with tax-efficient investment options.

Syfe provides global portfolios, REIT+ for real estate investment, and Cash+ for enhanced cash management. Their investment strategy is risk-based and goal-based, allowing investors to choose portfolios that match their risk appetite and investment objectives. Syfe employs a risk-based and goal-based investment approach, matching investment portfolios to individual risk appetites and financial objectives. Syfe uses modern portfolio theory and advanced risk management techniques to build and manage portfolios.

Syfe assesses each investor’s risk tolerance through a detailed questionnaire and assigns portfolios accordingly. Investors can choose portfolios designed to meet specific financial goals, such as saving for retirement or building wealth. Syfe offers unique portfolio options like REIT+ for real estate exposure and Cash+ for enhanced liquidity management. Portfolios are regularly rebalanced to manage risk and optimize returns.

StashAway offers General Investing and Thematic Portfolios. Their unique Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation (ERAA) framework rebalances investment allocations based on dynamic economic environments to maximize returns on investment and manage risk. StashAway’s ERAA framework identifies different economic regimes and adjusts the portfolio allocation to fit current economic conditions, enhancing potential returns and reducing risk.

The platform leverages advanced algorithms and economic data to execute informed investment strategies. StashAway offers focused portfolios that help investors to concentrate on specific sectors or trends, such as technology or healthcare. Their portfolios are constituted of a combination of equities, bonds, real estate, and commodities to ensure comprehensive diversification.

Investment Performance of Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway

Investment performance is a key consideration when choosing a robo-advisor. I have prepared a summary of the historical performance of the core portfolios from each platform below:

Year Endowus Core Portfolio Syfe Global Portfolio StashAway General Investing
2020 10.5% 8.7% 9.3%
2021 11.2% 10.1% 12.5%
2022 -4.8% -5.2% -4.6%

(Source: Endowus, Syfe, StashAway annual reports)

Endowus delivered strong performance in 2020 and 2021, with returns of 10.5% and 11.2%, respectively. These impressive figures were driven by a robust global market environment and the platform’s effective investment strategies that leveraged globally diversified funds. However, like most investment platforms, Endowus faced challenges in 2022 due to market volatility and economic uncertainty, resulting in a negative return of -4.8%. This downturn reflects the broader impact of global economic conditions on investment portfolios, emphasizing the inherent risks involved in investing.

Syfe also showed solid returns in 2020 and 2021, achieving 8.7% and 10.1%. The platform’s risk-based and goal-based investment strategies helped it capitalize on favorable market conditions during these years. However, in 2022, Syfe recorded a slightly higher negative return of -5.2%. This decline highlights how even well-diversified and strategically managed portfolios can be affected by macroeconomic factors and market fluctuations.

StashAway performed well in 2020 and 2021, with returns of 9.3% and 12.5%. The platform’s proprietary Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation (ERAA) framework played a crucial role in optimizing portfolio performance during these periods. However, like its counterparts, StashAway experienced a -4.6% return in 2022, reflecting the broader market downturn. This negative performance underscores the challenges faced by investment platforms in navigating economic turbulence and maintaining positive returns.

These performance figures illustrate the significant impact of market conditions on investment returns. The variability in annual performance across these platforms highlights the importance of a diversified portfolio to manage risks effectively. Diversification helps spread risk across various asset classes and geographical regions, providing a buffer against market volatility and economic downturns. It is a crucial strategy for investors seeking to achieve long-term financial goals while mitigating potential losses during challenging economic periods.

Customer Support

Customer support is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing a robo-advisor, especially for beginner investors who might need more assistance. Reliable and accessible customer service can provide peace of mind, ensuring that any issues or questions are promptly addressed. Here’s a look at the customer support options offered by Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway:


  • Channels: Email, phone, live chat
  • Availability: Weekdays 9 AM to 6 PM


  • Channels: Email, phone, live chat
  • Availability: Weekdays 9 AM to 6 PM


  • Channels: Email, phone, live chat
  • Availability: Weekdays 9 AM to 6 PM

Endowus vs Syfe vs StashAway: Minimum Deposits and Withdrawals

When starting your investment journey, knowing the minimum deposit requirements and withdrawal policies of each platform is essential. This information helps you understand the initial financial commitment and the flexibility in accessing your funds. Here’s a comparison of the minimum deposits and withdrawal conditions for Syfe vs Endowus vs Stashaway.

Platform Minimum Deposit Withdrawal Fee Processing Time
Endowus SGD 1,000 None 3-5 business days
Syfe None None 3-5 business days
StashAway SGD 1,000 None 3-5 business days


Fees Comparison

Fees are a critical factor for any investor as they directly impact your net returns. Understanding the fee structures of Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway will help you make an informed decision about which platform offers the best value for your investment. Here's a detailed comparison of the management and fund-level fees for Syfe vs Endowus vs Stashaway:

Platform Management Fees Fund-Level Fees Total Cost
Endowus 0.40% - 0.60% 0.20% - 0.30% 0.60% - 0.90%
Syfe 0.35% - 0.65% 0.20% - 0.30% 0.55% - 0.95%
StashAway 0.20% - 0.80% 0.20% - 0.30% 0.40% - 1.10%

Endowus charges management fees ranging from 0.40% to 0.60%, with additional fund-level fees of 0.20% to 0.30%. This results in a total cost of 0.60% to 0.90%, making it a cost-effective option for investors seeking institutional-quality funds. The variability in the management fee is typically based on the size of the investment; larger investments might incur lower management fees as a percentage of assets under management. For instance, an investor with a higher investment amount might be charged closer to 0.40%, while smaller investment amounts might incur fees closer to 0.60%.

Syfe offers slightly lower management fees ranging from 0.35% to 0.65%, with similar fund-level fees of 0.20% to 0.30%. The total cost ranges from 0.55% to 0.95%, providing a competitive fee structure for diverse portfolio options. Similar to Endowus, the range in management fees at Syfe often depends on the amount invested and the specific portfolio selected. Larger investments and more basic portfolios might attract fees on the lower end of the scale (0.35%), while smaller investments or specialized portfolios like REIT+ might be at the higher end (0.65%).

StashAway has a variable management fee structure ranging from 0.20% to 0.80%, depending on the investment amount. The fund-level fees are also 0.20% to 0.30%, bringing the total cost to 0.40% to 1.10%. StashAway's fees are competitive, particularly for larger investments where management fees are lower. For example, smaller investments might attract management fees closer to 0.80%, while larger investments can benefit from lower fees around 0.20%. This sliding scale is designed to encourage higher investment amounts by reducing the overall fee burden as the investment grows.

By comparing these fees, you can better understand the cost implications of your investment choices. Lower fees can enhance your returns over time, making it an important consideration when selecting a robo-advisor.


General Pros and Cons

When choosing a robo-advisor, it's important to consider the general advantages and disadvantages of each platform. Here’s an expanded look at the pros and cons of Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway to help you make an informed decision.



  • Low-cost, passive investment strategy: Endowus focuses on providing a low-cost investment experience by emphasizing passive investment strategies. This approach aims to minimize fees while delivering consistent returns over the long term.
  • Access to institutional-quality funds: Investors on Endowus gain access to institutional-quality funds that are typically reserved for large investors. This means you can benefit from professional-grade investment options without needing a large capital outlay.
  • CPF and SRS investing options: Endowus allows you to invest your Central Provident Fund (CPF) and Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) funds, making it convenient for Singaporean investors to manage their retirement savings.


  • Higher minimum deposit: Endowus requires a minimum deposit of SGD 1,000 to start investing, which might be a barrier for some beginner investors who prefer to start with smaller amounts.
  • Limited thematic investing options: While Endowus offers robust core portfolios, it has fewer thematic investing options compared to some of its competitors. This might be a drawback for investors looking to focus on specific sectors or trends.



  • No minimum deposit: Syfe stands out by not requiring any minimum deposit, making it highly accessible for new investors who want to start small and gradually increase their investment over time.
  • Diverse portfolio options: Syfe offers a variety of portfolio options, including a REIT+ portfolio for real estate exposure and a Cash+ portfolio for enhanced cash management. This diversity allows investors to choose portfolios that align with their specific goals and risk appetites.


  • Slightly higher fees for some portfolios: While Syfe’s fees are competitive, some of their portfolios come with slightly higher fees compared to other robo-advisors. It’s important to review the fee structure for each portfolio to understand the costs involved.
  • Less emphasis on passive investing: Unlike Endowus, Syfe places less emphasis on passive investing, which might not appeal to investors who prefer a more hands-off approach to managing their investments.



  • Proprietary ERAA framework: StashAway uses a unique Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation (ERAA) framework to optimize portfolios based on changing economic conditions. This proprietary strategy aims to provide better returns by adjusting investments according to macroeconomic trends.
  • Competitive fees: StashAway offers competitive fees, making it an attractive option for cost-conscious investors. The platform's fee structure is transparent, helping investors understand the costs associated with their investments.


  • Higher minimum deposit: Similar to Endowus, StashAway requires a minimum deposit of SGD 1,000, which might be a hurdle for some beginner investors who prefer to start with smaller investments.
  • Limited CPF and SRS options: While StashAway offers robust investment options, it does not provide as many opportunities to invest CPF and SRS funds similar to what Endowus does, which might be a consideration for Singaporean investors focused on retirement savings.

By weighing these pros and cons, you can make an informed decision on which robo-advisor aligns with your approach to investing. Whether you prioritize low costs, diverse portfolio options, or advanced investment strategies, there’s a platform that can meet your needs.

For those interested in diversifying beyond traditional robo-advisors, Kilde offers an attractive alternative. Kilde links up family offices, funds, and accredited investors to highly investible private credit deals in developed and emerging markets. Through offering senior secured loans from well-capitalized lending companies with strong management teams, Kilde provides a robust investment option.

With high yields up to 13.5% per annum and terms ranging from 12 to 36 months, Kilde’s private bonds offer monthly coupons and early redemption rights, making them a compelling choice for investors seeking high returns and flexibility. Additionally, Kilde operates under the licensing and regulations of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, ensuring a high standard of safety and compliance.


Comparing Kilde with Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway

When considering your investment options, it’s important to compare the offerings of different platforms to understand which best aligns with your financial goals. While Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway are prominent robo-advisors offering diversified portfolios, Kilde provides a unique alternative focusing on private bonds. It’s also important to note that Kilde invests in the private market, while Syfe, Stashaway, and Endowus invest in the public markets. However, Endowus also has a private portfolio.

Here’s a detailed comparison:

Kilde: Kilde offers private bonds secured by collateral, providing a high degree of safety. These bonds come with monthly coupons and short-term investment options ranging from 3 to 36 months. Kilde focuses on fixed income investments, delivering high yields of up to 13.5% per annum and maintaining low fees. This makes Kilde an attractive option for investors seeking reliable returns with lower risk. However, Kilde is only for accredited, institutional, and expert investors. Kilde operates under the licensing and regulations of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, ensuring high standards of compliance and security.

Endowus: This robo-advisor offers a range of diversified portfolios, including equities, bonds, real estate, and other asset classes. Endowus employs a passive investing strategy, focusing on globally diversified funds to minimize risk and maximize long-term returns. The platform provides competitive fees, typically ranging from 0.40% to 0.60% for management, plus additional fund-level fees.

Syfe: Syfe provides a variety of diversified portfolios created specifically to cater to different risk profiles and investment strategies. Their offerings include equities, bonds, real estate, and cash management options like the REIT+ and Cash+ portfolios. Syfe uses a risk-driven investment strategy, aligning portfolios with investors' individual risk profiles and financial goals. The fee structure is competitive, with management fees charged between 0.35% to 0.65%, plus fund-level fees.

StashAway: StashAway offers varied portfolios that comprises equities, bonds, real estate, and commodities. The platform employs the ERAA framework, which adjusts asset allocations based on changing economic conditions. StashAway provides a flexible fee structure depending on the investment amount, in addition to fund-level fees.

Here's a comparative table highlighting the key features of Kilde, Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway:

Feature Kilde Endowus Syfe StashAway
Investment Type Private bonds secured by collateral Globally diversified portfolios Global portfolios, REIT+, Cash+ General Investing, Thematic Portfolios
Yield/Return Up to 13.5% p.a. Varies by portfolio Varies by portfolio Varies by portfolio
Investment Term 3 to 36 months Long-term Long-term Long-term
Minimum Deposit Varies by deal SGD 1,000 None SGD 1,000
Fees Low annual fees (0.5% p.a.) 0.60% - 0.90% total cost 0.55% - 0.95% total cost 0.40% - 1.10% total cost
Regulation Licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore
Redemption Options Early redemption at face value with no penalty Standard withdrawal process (3-5 days) Standard withdrawal process (3-5 days) Standard withdrawal process (3-5 days)
Focus Fixed income investments Low-cost, passive investing Risk-based, goal-based investing Dynamic asset allocation via ERAA framework

Fees and Returns

Kilde offers competitive fees compared to other private market investments. While private market investments generally come with higher fees than public market options, Kilde has managed to keep its fees attractive for investors. This is an important consideration, as lower fees can significantly impact your overall returns over time. 


Liquidity is a critical factor for any investor. It refers to how quickly and easily an investment can be converted into cash without significantly affecting its value. In the context of Kilde, liquidity is one of the standout features among private market investments. Unlike many private investments where you might need to commit your capital for a long period of time, Kilde offers liquidity options on a quarterly basis. This means that, while you can't liquidate your investment anytime as you might with Endowus, Syfe, and Stashaway, Kilde provides a much better liquidity window compared to other private market opportunities. 

The Kilde Advantage

Kilde’s private bonds are designed for investors looking for a balance between competitive fees, decent returns, and relatively good liquidity. Typically, private market investments require a longer commitment, but Kilde stands out by offering quarterly liquidity, making it a more flexible option for investors.

Click here to learn more about how you can start investing with Kilde today.

In contrast, Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway offer a broad array of portfolios that targets various risk appetites and investment goals. These platforms provide varied exposure across different asset classes, including equities, bonds, real estate, and commodities, which are ideal for investors looking for long-term growth potential. Each platform's unique investment strategies—such as Endowus's focus on globally diversified funds, Syfe's risk-based and goal-oriented portfolios, and StashAway's dynamic ERAA framework—allow investors to choose an approach that is in accordance with their personal investing goals.

By understanding the unique offerings of each platform, you can make an informed decision that best suits your investment strategy and financial goals. Whether you prefer the stability and high yields of fixed income investments offered by Kilde or the diversified, growth-oriented portfolios from Endowus, Syfe, and StashAway, there is an option to meet your needs. For those interested in high-yield, fixed income investments, Kilde provides a valuable addition to your portfolio, complementing the diversified strategies of traditional robo-advisors and enhancing your overall investment landscape.

*KILDE PTE LTD (“Kilde”) is incorporated in Singapore (registration no. 201929587K) is licenced and regulated by the Monetary Authority Singapore and holds a Capital Markets Services Licence (CMS101016) and an Exempted Financial Advisor License under the Financial Adviser Act. The information provided in this marketing material is intended for “accredited investors” and “institutional investors” (collectively “qualified persons”) only. This marketing material, and any information in this marketing material, or any documentation that Kilde provides in relation to this marketing material is provided without any representation or any kind of warranties whatsoever (whether express or implied by law).

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

The views expressed in this blog post are solely my personal opinions and do not constitute professional financial advice. I am simply sharing my opinions with no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. No reader should make decisions based solely on the contents of this blog post. Readers should consult their own financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Neither the author of this blog post, Kilde, nor its employees will be held liable for any financial losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained herein. Investing contains risks, including total loss of capital. Past performance does not guarantee future returns. Please conduct your own research before investing.

Radek Jezbera
Founder & co-CEO of KILDE, a regulated platform for alternative investments.

Join Kilde and find out how you can start earning up to 13.5% annual returns

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Radek Jezbera
Founder & co-CEO of KILDE, a regulated platform for alternative investments.


What is the minimum deposit required for each platform?

Endowus: SGD 1,000 Syfe: No minimum deposit StashAway: SGD 1,000

Are there any withdrawal fees?

No, none of the platforms charge withdrawal fees.

How do the management fees compare?

Endowus: 0.40% - 0.60% Syfe: 0.35% - 0.65% StashAway: 0.20% - 0.80%

What types of investment portfolios do these platforms offer?

Endowus: Core, ESG, CPF, SRS Syfe: Global portfolios, REIT+, Cash+ StashAway: General Investing, Thematic Portfolios

What is the investment strategy of each platform?

Endowus: Passive, globally diversified funds Syfe: Risk-based, goal-based portfolios StashAway: Economic Regime-based Asset Allocation (ERAA) framework

What asset classes are included in the portfolios?

Endowus: Equities, bonds, real estate, cash Syfe: Equities, bonds, real estate, cash StashAway: Equities, bonds, real estate, commodities

What regulatory bodies oversee these platforms?

All platforms, including Endowus, Syfe, StashAway, and Kilde, are regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

What kind of customer support is available?

All three robo-advisors offer customer support through email, phone, and live chat, available on weekdays from 9 AM to 6 PM.

Is it better to mix investments across different robo-advisors or go all in with one?

Diversifying your investments across different robo-advisors can offer several benefits, including spreading risk and taking advantage of different investment strategies and asset allocations. Each platform has its unique approach and strengths, so mixing investments can provide a more balanced portfolio. However, managing multiple accounts can be more complex and may involve higher cumulative fees. Going all in with one robo-advisor simplifies management and may reduce costs, but it concentrates risk in one platform's strategy. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual investment goals, risk tolerance, and preference for simplicity versus diversification.

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